Level 2 Fitness Walking Program

Welcome to our Level 2 Fitness Walking Program - a new and exciting level that will make you feel that you don't want to miss a day!

This program is just right for you if:

Middle Aged Woman Walking On Path

  • you've graduated from our Level 1 Fitness Walking Program. CONGRATULATIONS to you for that accomplishment. Thai's excellent work!
  • you're comfortable walking at least 30 minutes a day now and want to do more.
  • you've graduated from your rehab exercise program and are ready to move forward.

First Time To Our Programs?

If so, please take a moment first at our Fitness Walking Programs page. That way you'll get the most from our programs.

And PLEASE remember to get into the habit of starting AND finishing the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program with our stretching & warm up exercises.

Treat them the same way as your walking program. If you feel some strain doing any of the stretch and warm up exercises, go a little slower - progress a little at a time, until you get the full range of movements.

Your Health Goal

...in the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program is to walk 60 minutes a day with a weekly total of at least 300 minutes.

When you achieve this level of activity, you decrease your risk of heart disease, Type II diabetes, breast cancer and colon cancer. You will be healthier, stronger and have more energy than ever!

And if you're walking for weight loss, this level is where you will start to see this benefit. When you're able to maintain 45-60 minutes per day for a minimum of 5 days a week, the weight will start to come off.

Track Your Walk

A Walking Journal, notepad or small memo book is all you need to keep track of your goal for the week.

Walking Journal

Remember to note in your journal too that you're working on the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program. It never hurts to jog our older memory banks here!

*We recommend you use a pedometer. Just attach it as recommended and let it do the counting for you.

Walking 10,000 steps a day is roughly equivalent to the U.S. Surgeon General's recommendation to have 30 minutes of daily activity most days of the week. This is a realistic MINIMUM level of activity to reduce your risk of disease and have a longer, healthier life.

Make It A Habit

Two Laides Walking By River

Walk at least 5 days of the week even if you have to walk a little less some days. You want to make it a good, healthy habit! Regular daily activity is the key. Work to increase your walking time each week before you increase your speed. The Level 2 Fitness Walking Program is all about making it your habit!

Take It Easy

Work on your progress at your own pace. Just make sure the pace you choose does challenge you but doesn't hurt you. Listen to your body! When it tells you to slow down and take it easy then slow down and take it easy! This isn't a competition - it's your health and your life.

Work towards a little higher pace than you were doing in Level 1. An easy test is to walk at a pace that let's you carry on a conversation without puffing. In the segments where we tell you to increase your pace, you SHOULD be puffing while you're trying to talk. You do need to push yourself (wisely) for you to progress.

Most of all, enjoy the experience! You're helping yourself feel great again!

Remember Your Socks!

Yes, your SOCKS! Properly padded and fitting socks are the most often overlooked but so important part of your walking 'equipment'. Please spend some time learning why here. Your feet will thank you!

The Level 2 Fitness Walking Program

First and most important always is to do your warm up and stretching exercises BEFORE and AFTER your walk. The 'AFTER' part is your cool down period. This is just as important for you as the warm up part especially at our ages. Do them after every walk!

And speaking of 'our ages' PLEASE remember to always listen to your body! If it's really too difficult for you, back off a little for awhile. Advance to your next 'week' only when you feel your body is ready to advance. The Level 2 Fitness Walking Program is about progress, not pain!

Week 1 & 2

  • Start with a daily 35 minute walk.
  • Start walking at your regular pace. Maintain this pace for the first four weeks.
  • Walk 5-6 days a week. Remember you want to make it a habit of consistency.
  • Slow down your pace a little bit for the last 5 minutes of your walk. This is part of your cool down.
  • Spread out your rest days. For example make day 3 and day 6 a rest day.
  • Weekly total walking goal - 150-175 minutes.

Week 3 & 4

  • Add 5 minutes a day for a 40 minute daily walk
  • Walk 5-6 days a week. Continue to build your habit.
  • Remember to slow down your pace for the last 5 minutes of your walk as part of your cool down.
  • You can extend yourself some days and follow it with a rest day.
  • Spread out your rest days as before - 2 on, 1 off; 3 on, 1 off and so on
  • Weekly total walking goal - 175-200 minutes.

Week 5 & 6

  • Walk 5-6 days a week. Work to consistently build your walking habit.
  • Time to start interval walking. Vary your pace as you walk and do …
  • 15 minutes regular pace
  • 5 minutes increased pace
  • 15 minutes regular pace
  • 5 minutes increased pace
  • 5 minutes regular pace
  • 5 minutes slower pace to start your cool down
  • Try extending yourself a bit more some days and follow that with a rest day (if you body tells you it needs it).
  • Spread out your rest days.
  • Weekly total walking goal - 225-250 minutes.

Week 7 & 8

  • Another jump this week of 10 minutes a day so you are walking 60 minute a day.
  • Walk 5-6 days a week. Continue to build your habit.
  • Interval walking. Vary your pace as you walk so that you walk …
  • 15 minutes regular pace
  • 10 minutes increased pace
  • 15 minutes regular pace
  • 10 minutes increased pace
  • 5 minutes regular pace
  • 5 minutes slower pace to cool down
  • Extend yourself by slightly increasing your regular pace some days, followed by a rest day if needed and spread out your rest days.
  • Weekly total walking goal - 250-300 minutes

Bumps In The Road

You may find that the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program challenges you a bit more as you progress. If you find that a level (week) turns out to be a bit more than you're ready for, don't push yourself! Listen to your body.

Senior Couple Walking In Forest

Take a day off. Go a little slower. Repeat the week rather than adding more time to it. Move on to the next level only when you feel comfortable with the week you're on. You've already accomplished a lot.


Congratulations! Now you're walking 60 minutes a day, 5 days a week and doing it comfortably. Give yourself a really big hug! You deserve it! You've completed the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program. Look how much better you feel now!

Going Forward

Well done! You're well on your way to really enjoying the many Benefits Of Walking and feeling great again.

When you're ready, move on to the Level 3 Fitness Walking Program or if you prefer, you can stay at this level. and maintain what you've already achieved … which is A LOT!

Staying with the Level 2 Fitness Walking Program?

Good for you. Here's a few ideas you might consider to add more variety, interest and enjoyment to your program. Have fun!

You can try to:

  • vary your walking route.
Seniors Group of Four Walkin
  • build more uphill and downhill sections into your route.
  • walking with a friend or group of friends or neighbours.
  • walking with local community groups.
  • mall walking in poor weather.
  • charity walks.
  • different walking styles.
  • using nordic walking and nordic walking poles to aid in upper body overall fitness.
  • winter walking. (In season)
  • going on a hiking and backpacking trip.
  • taking part on walking tours, adventures and explorations.
  • a walking holiday or vacations either by yourself or with a group of friends.

Would you like more info on some of the above ideas? Just get in touch and we will be glad to help you out.

Once again Congratulations on your accomplishments to date. Perhaps you might like to share your walking stories and accomplishments with us just as your fellow readers have done here.

Enjoy your journey!

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